Cathy Reynolds

Belfast City Council

Cathy Reynolds

Director of city regeneration and development

Cathy is a Chartered Surveyor by profession and has over 25 years’ experience in development, regeneration and strategic asset management. 

Working with stakeholders across the public and private sectors Cathy is responsible from a Council perspective for leading on city regeneration and development to drive delivery of physical, social and economic outcomes for Belfast. This includes supporting the physical built environment by ensuring vibrant, inclusive, sustainable, accessible and connected city spaces and places.

Cathy is leading, alongside partners, on the Bolder Vision for Belfast, the Belfast City Centre Regeneration & Investment Strategy and policies, programmes and projects aligned to the regeneration and development of the city, including Housing Led Regeneration, Connectivity and the Future City Centre Programme, an ambitious programme to reimagine and revitalise our city centre.

Cathy previously worked within the Property & Projects department of Belfast City Council, delivering on a number of physical projects across the city. She headed up the Asset Management service within the Council and led on the delivery of a number of property and development projects and initiatives, working with a range of stakeholders across the public and private sectors.

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