First Timers

Attending an industry conference and exhibition for the first time can be a bit daunting and we want you to make the most of your time with us.

What can you expect?

Powered by International Hospitality Media, we are proud to offer the hospitality and real estate community a different offering to a normal conference event.

And with RECHARGE, we take it one step further.

Gone are the days of sitting in a dimly lit conference room with powerpoint presentations for hours on end.
We value your learning, time and presence so we offer a 2 day experience that getting bored in a conference room can't buy.

Day One sees us touring our destination city through branded residence tours and some tourist attraction themed fun.. with this year boasting the option to tour Paris in a unique mode of transport... not forgetting our essential night cap and visiting some of the local nightlife hubs.

Day Two opens with a mindfulness session that questions your personal and business approach, before opening up to our conference.
Sessions are 'short and punchy' in a Pecha Kucha format - 20 seconds per slide with a maximum of 20 slides - to keep things moving fast.

There's plenty of audience engagement with some great networking incentives such as happy hour drinks and 'Bloody Mary' workshops (non alcoholic alternatives also available)

We’ve put together some handy hints and tips to ensure you make the most of your first conference:

  • Keep an eye on the conference schedule timings on the run up to the event as these are subject to change
  • Take a look at the RECHARGERS attending in advance, and schedule pre – arranged appointments to use your time effectively
  • Follow the conference #IHMRECHARGE twitter/social feed to keep engaged pre / during and post the event
  • Take a look at your hosts profiles and LinkedIn for more background – it’s a great way to put a name to a face in advance
  • Wear comfortable shoes!
  • Remember your business cards as there are lots of opportunities for networking
  • Keep an eye out for great competition and incentives we have at the event
First Timers

“Had a great time. Learnt a lot and met a lot of new people which was great.”

Steve Lowy, CEO, AES & The Residence

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